Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

2008 is now passed and we are on to 2009!!! It's like we are given a new slate each year!! It's pretty awesome!! For this year I am definitely going to simplify!! With "you know what" going on in the world right now, I definitely need to simplify!! In my everyday life I run around like a mad woman!!! Going here, there, everywhere...I want to stop for a few minutes and just take a minute to absorb the moment!! This past year I got introduced to scrapbooking and I completely fell in love!!! I found that when I am under super high stress making a layout or a book brings me peace! So this year I want to get more involved with it and do it on a more regular basis!! I want this year to just be calm, peaceful and fun!!! I feel very inspired and creative!!! I'm also gonna start knitting again...Yay!! Can't wait! This will be a good year for sure!!

1 comment:

allyson joy said...

nice thinking nely!!! loves it!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!