Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dude!!! one ever said how hard working out is!!  I  started going to the gym yesterday and I seriously got my ass kicked!!!  My friend was making me do things that Cirque du Soleil people should be doing!!  I couldn't even lift myself off of bed today!!  and all she kept telling me was "tiny dancer body"  and by the end I was like F*&#!! skinny dancers!!  but in the end I was glad I did it!!  boy was I counting down the minutes to the end...I got out of it today, but tommorow no dice!!  back to suspending myself like a mad woman!!  All in the name of looking good!!  All i can say is, It better pay off!!

1 comment:

Elena Lai Etcheverry said...

ew! sounds horrible. but the hello kitty is so darn cute! where did you get that???